ACMS Colloquium: Sam Rosengarten, Baltimore Ravens Football Performance Coach


Location: 127 Hayes-Healy Center

Sam Rosengarten

Sam Rosengarten

Baltimore Ravens Football Performance Coach,

3:45 PM
127 Hayes-Healy

Colloquium Tea will be held at 3:15 pm in 154 Hurley Hall

Management of Tendinopathy in Athletes

Tendinopathy is a prevalent and debilitating musculoskeletal injury that can affect anyone from elite athletes to older sedentary people. Clinically, patients present with pain during physical activity, alteration in loading strategies, with tendon thickening and structural disorganization seen on imaging. However, changes on imaging are not indicative of symptoms, nor is a return to normal tendon structure on imaging needed for recovery and return to physical activity. Tendon structure can also transition through different stages over the course of a season in athletes, suggesting a continuum of tendon pathology. Understanding this continuum of tendinopathy and how the tendon can transition through various stages based on the addition or removal of load is vital in monitoring tendon structure and improving clinical outcomes. This lecture will explore the pathogenesis of the pathology, its progression, and explore how to utilize current and novel technologies in the management of the condition in athlete populations.


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