Fang Liu

Notre Dame Collegiate Professor and Acting Chair

Ph.D., University of Michigan, 2003
M.S., Iowa State University, 1999
B.S., Peking University, 1997

Data Privacy and Differential privacy, Statistical Machine Learning, Bayesian Statistics, Applications of Statistics to Biology, Engineering, Medical Science, and Social Science.

Dr. Liu was among the first group of statisticians who came to the newly formed ACMS department in 2011 at Notre Dame. Dr. Liu’s  research focuses on 1) development and application of  modern approaches for protecting data privacy; 2) statistical learning, machine learning, and complex model regularization; 3) Bayesian methodologies and models to analyze data originated from medical, biological, and social sciences; 4) missing data analysis techniques and concepts; and 5) Biostatistical and epidemiological applications. Dr. Liu's work has been generously supported by NSF, NIH, foundations, and Notre Dame internal research grants, among others.

Dr. Liu is an elected fellow of the American Statistical Association. Read her stories at: and

Phone: Chair's Office: (574) 631-6233 / Office: (574) 631-0895
Office: 102G Crowley Hall (Chair's Office) / 201B Crowley Hall
