Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule a meeting with my DUS?

You can contact Dr. Huebner directly ( or Nancy Herman, the ACMS Undergrad Administrative Assistant (

What are the degrees offered in ACMS?

ACMS offers majors in ACMS and Statistics and supplementary majors in ACMS and Statistics. The department also offers the ACMS major with concentration in Biological Science, which prepares students for careers or further studies in mathematical biology or for medical school. 

As an ACMS major, can I study abroad? Can I take ACMS classes abroad?

Yes, as an ACMS major you can go to any program that accepts College of Science students. Not all locations have ACMS classes, but a fair number do. These locations include, but are not limited to, Dublin and Singapore. If you see a course that you think may qualify for ACMS credit, you can submit the syllabus to the ACMS DUS for possible approval. 

If I am studying abroad, do I need a PIN to register for the next semester?

No, if you are studying abroad you do not need a PIN. You may be prompted to enter one, but you can skip over this and move on.

How do I declare a major?

You can send an email to Nancy Herman, the ACMS Undergrad Administrative Assistant ( with your intent to declare the ACMS, Statistics, ACMS Supplementary, or the Statistics Supplementary major. An eForm will then be submitted. If you have any questions regarding the majors, you can contact Dr. Huebner, ACMS DUS ( 

How do I contact the Undergrad Administrative Assistant?

Nancy Herman, the ACMS Undergrad Administrative Assistant can be reached at